Wow ! I still can't believe that Thanksgiving Day is here...well, tomorrow anyways. When I take a moment to give thanks for all I have...there are far too many to list. First and foremost, are the following: My husband, children, family, friends, health, home, career, nurishment, and freedom to make our own choices.
I think Martina McBride said it perfectly. Even after all these years, this song still brings a tear to my eyes.
I get kissed by the sun each morning
Put my feet on a hardwood floor
I get to hear my children laughing down the hall through the bedroom door
Sometimes I sit on my Front porch swing just soaking up the day
I think to myself, I think to myself
This world is a beautiful place!
I have been blessed and I feel like I've found my way
I thank God for all I've been given at the end of every day
I have been BLESSED
With so much more than I deserve
To be here with the ones that love me
To love them so much it hurts
Across a crowded room, I know you know what I'm thinking
By the way I look at you and when we're lying in the quiet
No words have to be said.
This love is a beautiful gift
When I'm singing my kids to sleep
When I feel you holding me
I know, I have been BLESSED!
As we sit down with our families tomorrow, don't forget to thank Him for all of the small things that we frequently fail to each breath. God bless you all tomorrow and always.
Is yours?
In fact, we actually have a right to pursue happiness however we define it, on our own terms, and in our own way.
And for this I am so thankful!
I love my boy!
- He give the BEST smooches to my mommy only.
- No matter how large the challenge, he is determined to give it his playing in the toddler's McD's toy area. Yes, he crawled up the ladder and came down the slide without my help.
- He has a knack for getting himself in a bind--day after day he tries to crawl his way through spaces less than half his size. While funny at times, not when there's blood or gigantic goose egg appears.
- He opts for the quicker way of getting to the couch without going around coffee table--like crawling through the bottom shelf. Only once has he succeeded, yet he continuously tries.
- While visiting daddy at the fire station, Ryan smacked his temple on the corner of the dining room table...tear of the skin and blood droplets, but no tears.
- One morning Allison was in the shower, I was doing my hair in the mirror and Ryan was...well let's just say not where I thought he was. He had crawled into the bathroom right past me, crawled up the side of the shower, threw open the curtain and in a matter of seconds did a somersault head first into the shower. All wet in his pj's making a "eh, eh" sound...a little kiss on the forehead, a gerber and dry clothes brought a big grin to his face.
He's such a sport--quick on his knees and can take a knock on the noggin without a fuss. Two things that come to mind, I think I see pee-wee tackle football player in our future and I'm beginning to wonder if he can feel pain.
In Her Own Words
About Mommy...
1. what is something m
om always says to you? "You better get in time out"
2. what makes mom happy? "When I make good choices"
3. what makes mom sad? "When I make bad choices"
4. how does mom make you laugh? "When you tickle me"
5. what was mom like as a child? "happy"
6. how old is your mom? "6 or 7"
7. How tall is your mom? "little"
8. what is her favorite thing to do? "Eat a banana"
9. what does your mom do when you're not around? "Watch a movie or play on the computer"
10. if your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? "doing what she wants to do"
11. what is your mom really good at? "crying"
12. what is your mom not very good at? "bowling"
13. what does your mom do for her job?"make dinner and construction"
14. what is your mom's favorite food? "peas"
15. what makes you proud of your mom? "When you make good choices too"
16. if your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? "tinkerbell"
17. what do you and your mom do together? "play games and snuggle"
18. how are you and your mom the same? "when we wear the same color of underwear"
19. how are you and your mom different? "we don't wear the same size clothes or shoes"
20. how do you know your mom loves you? "Because you always say you love me more"
About Daddy...
1. what is something daddy always says to you? "I'm gonna put you in the garbage can...or the washing machine to wash your attitude away"
2. what makes daddy happy? "When I make good choices"
3. what makes daddy sad? "when I don't listen to him"
4. how does daddy make you laugh? "When he says, "I'm gonna throw this out the window"" (Inside joke)
5. what was daddy like as a child? "He liked his bedroom"
6. how old is your daddy? "1 or 2"
7. How tall is your daddy? "big"
8. what is his favorite thing to do? "tickle me"
9. what does your daddy do when you're not around? "Watches scary movies"
10. if your daddy becomes famous, what will it be for? "He goes somewhere"
11. what is your daddy really good at? "saving people's lives"
12. what is your daddy not very good at?"bowling"
13. what does your daddy do for his job?"puts out the fires"
14. what is your daddy's favorite food? "Onions"
15. what makes you proud of your daddy? "When he helps people"
16. if your daddy were a cartoon character, who would she be? "One of The Three Stooges"
17. what do you and your daddy do together? "Go to the car store"
18. how are you and your daddy the same? "I have daddy's ears"
19. how are you and your daddy different? "He's a boy and I'm a girl"
20. how do you know your daddy loves you? "He says he loves me more than mommy"
I love this girl--she's a riot!
1. what is something m

2. what makes mom happy? "When I make good choices"
3. what makes mom sad? "When I make bad choices"
4. how does mom make you laugh? "When you tickle me"
5. what was mom like as a child? "happy"
6. how old is your mom? "6 or 7"
7. How tall is your mom? "little"
8. what is her favorite thing to do? "Eat a banana"
9. what does your mom do when you're not around? "Watch a movie or play on the computer"
10. if your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? "doing what she wants to do"
11. what is your mom really good at? "crying"
12. what is your mom not very good at? "bowling"
13. what does your mom do for her job?"make dinner and construction"
14. what is your mom's favorite food? "peas"
15. what makes you proud of your mom? "When you make good choices too"
16. if your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? "tinkerbell"
17. what do you and your mom do together? "play games and snuggle"
18. how are you and your mom the same? "when we wear the same color of underwear"
19. how are you and your mom different? "we don't wear the same size clothes or shoes"
20. how do you know your mom loves you? "Because you always say you love me more"
About Daddy...
1. what is something daddy always says to you? "I'm gonna put you in the garbage can...or the washing machine to wash your attitude away"
2. what makes daddy happy? "When I make good choices"
3. what makes daddy sad? "when I don't listen to him"
4. how does daddy make you laugh? "When he says, "I'm gonna throw this out the window"" (Inside joke)
5. what was daddy like as a child? "He liked his bedroom"
6. how old is your daddy? "1 or 2"
7. How tall is your daddy? "big"
8. what is his favorite thing to do? "tickle me"
9. what does your daddy do when you're not around? "Watches scary movies"
10. if your daddy becomes famous, what will it be for? "He goes somewhere"
11. what is your daddy really good at? "saving people's lives"
12. what is your daddy not very good at?"bowling"
13. what does your daddy do for his job?"puts out the fires"
14. what is your daddy's favorite food? "Onions"
15. what makes you proud of your daddy? "When he helps people"
16. if your daddy were a cartoon character, who would she be? "One of The Three Stooges"
17. what do you and your daddy do together? "Go to the car store"
18. how are you and your daddy the same? "I have daddy's ears"
19. how are you and your daddy different? "He's a boy and I'm a girl"
20. how do you know your daddy loves you? "He says he loves me more than mommy"
I love this girl--she's a riot!
Put to the test
Have you ever wondered if you're on the "right track"? How different would your life be now had you chosen to take a sharp left rather than the wide right turn? Would you have been better off? I've always believed that everything happens for a reason. And that He has a plan for each and every one of us. How do we know if we're responsible for those times of hardship and despair? Was it due to a poor decision we made along the way or is it simply the next chapter in the plan? Are we responsible only for how we deal with the situation? How many of us turn to Him for guidance, wisdom and strength?
So many questions, I know. But, these are honestly the questions I've been asking myself nearly every day for the past few months. Sleepless nights due to numbers running through my head--payment amounts, current balances and due dates. Waking up with that heavy weight on my shoulders each morning has been extremely taxing on my normally positive outlook. How do I see past all the worry and maintain my optimism? It's frightening to think how much worse this can get for all of us. There was one thing that actually raised my eyebrows in shock, it wasn't the Dow’s 151-point increase; it was the sign that read, 'Unleaded $1.68/gal with a carwash'. Honestly, when was the last time you saw that? Figures...after I had John fill up the tank when it was $2.01/gal. Just my luck! Well, the future is unforeseen territory.... only He knows what's in store for each and every one of us. Now more than ever, I need to put my faith in Him and trust that He will see us through.
So many questions, I know. But, these are honestly the questions I've been asking myself nearly every day for the past few months. Sleepless nights due to numbers running through my head--payment amounts, current balances and due dates. Waking up with that heavy weight on my shoulders each morning has been extremely taxing on my normally positive outlook. How do I see past all the worry and maintain my optimism? It's frightening to think how much worse this can get for all of us. There was one thing that actually raised my eyebrows in shock, it wasn't the Dow’s 151-point increase; it was the sign that read, 'Unleaded $1.68/gal with a carwash'. Honestly, when was the last time you saw that? Figures...after I had John fill up the tank when it was $2.01/gal. Just my luck! Well, the future is unforeseen territory.... only He knows what's in store for each and every one of us. Now more than ever, I need to put my faith in Him and trust that He will see us through.
Long Day
I wasn't going to post anything more today, but I just couldn't resist. It's been a long day for Allison. As you can see, she didn't even make it to her bed....she decided the shelf underneath the coffee table would make a comfy bed for the evening. This girl is passed out cold!
Tee Hee

Here are a few innocent knock, knock jokes I told Allison. You wouldn't believe how funny she thought these were...she was nearly rolling on the floor.
Get it Together Jen!
Ok, so these past few days I've come to realize... I am a horrible housewife. Every morning this week I've woke up and told myself "I am going to clean this house from top to bottom when I get home from work tonight and have a warm tasty meal waiting for John." Well, by time I get in the door, feed the kids, straighten up the walking areas and get the kids in bed, I find myself just wanting to sit and watch a few DVR'd TV shows or sit at the computer. By time I get my lazy buns off the couch (or chair), John calls to ask, "what's for dinner?" Not only do I NOT have the house clean but there is NO dinner made for him. I'm truly a lucky girl to have such a wonderful husband who doesn't mind making himself a can of soup and pbj sandwich for dinner. I've decided that I really need to make more of an effort to get my act straight and stop relying on the generosity of my friends and family. It's taken way longer than I had hoped, but I promise I'll find a way to make all these hats fit my head. Thank you everyone for the many ways you have lent John and I a hand. It doesn't go unnoticed and we appreciate it more than you know. I've decided that I really need to make more of an effort to get my act straight and stop relying on the generosity of my friends and family. It's taken way longer than I had hoped, but I promise I'll find a way to make all these hats fit my head. Thank you everyone for the many ways you have lent John and I a hand. It doesn't go unnoticed and we appreciate it more than you know.
Is There Such a Thing loving your children too much? If you're a mother (or father), I'm sure you'll agree that it’s only natural to love your children in ways that are so unbelievably hard to explain. Sometimes I question if I should limit the amount of love I give them. I know overprotecting, overindulging, or overcontrolling your kids isn't healthy, but at what point (or do you at all) rescue your kids from situations that can teach them about accountability, responsibility, and the consequences of their decisions? Do you fight their battles for them or do you let them solve their own problems and deal with conflict by working through their own issues? I always try to encourage Allison to tackle challenges and gently push her to keep going when situations get tough, even if I know she may fail. I know that I need to teach her that even though life can be painful and seem unfair, she can find joy through God’s grace. Any 4-year old will try everything they can think of to get whatever it is they want at the time, but no matter how much she begs, whines, or how loud the tantrum—I know I must stand my ground. Reminding her that those desired items or places she wants to go are privilidges that must be earned, they’re not a God-given right. When that type of behavior is displayed, I know I must teach her that it’s okay to feel strong emotions, but she has a responsibility to express them in faithful ways. "I wanna Make Good Choices!!"
John and I were watching the commercial (I don't even recall what it was for now) where the young girl asks her dad if she can borrow the car... Well, the moment it was over, John and I looked directly at each other. I think we both knew what the other was thinking... how easy is it going to be to let our little girl drive away on her own or go on her first date? I was going through the pictures on my camera and stopped on a certain photo. I know time flies and they're only going to be this small for so long, but I couldn't believe what I was looking at--not my firstborn baby, infant or toddler...she's a little girl. One who is fully capable of giving and learning valuable emotional and spiritual lessons.
She's a mixture of sensitivity and bullheadedness. Can't tell you where that comes from! All I can say is, “God, I ask that you give me the wisdom to effectively balance my children's freedoms and restrictions during each stage of their childhood and be the best mommy I can possibly be.”
John and I were watching the commercial (I don't even recall what it was for now) where the young girl asks her dad if she can borrow the car... Well, the moment it was over, John and I looked directly at each other. I think we both knew what the other was thinking... how easy is it going to be to let our little girl drive away on her own or go on her first date? I was going through the pictures on my camera and stopped on a certain photo. I know time flies and they're only going to be this small for so long, but I couldn't believe what I was looking at--not my firstborn baby, infant or toddler...she's a little girl. One who is fully capable of giving and learning valuable emotional and spiritual lessons.
She's a mixture of sensitivity and bullheadedness. Can't tell you where that comes from! All I can say is, “God, I ask that you give me the wisdom to effectively balance my children's freedoms and restrictions during each stage of their childhood and be the best mommy I can possibly be.”
I love you, Punkin!
Sissy hasn't been so happy tonight. As we were halfway down the driveway leaving daycare, Alli decided that she wanted to turn around and give Gina a hug & kiss. Well afterwards in her mad rush to the car, she somehow slid down the sidewalk by way of the right-side of her face. Of course, since she didn't have a nap or rest time today, she was in hysterics all the way home. I kissed it, put a bandaid on it and gave her a cheese stick. That made it ALL better. We'll see how it looks in the following days... we may be postponing our holiday pictures.
I love this kid! He did NOT want to get out of his highchair--instead he wanted to chew on and play peek-a-boo with the tray. (Sorry, for whatever reason my camera doesn't have audio)
Best Weekend Photos

Such a big boy using his sippy cup! This little guy is such a blessing!

The top two photos are from today...she felt both the ponytail and headband were necessary. The bottom two are from Friday night. John walked in her bedroom to find her holding her flash light and princess story book. Apparently, she snuck in a few pages of reading before she nodded off. She's so cute!
Preschool Moments

Here with her BFF, Seth. She was comfortable knowing that Seth was in her class. You think someone could've fixed her hair before they took her school picture!?
My Sweet Baby Girl in School
The first day of preschool had to be one of the best days ever for Allison. She had so many sweet stories to share with me once I picked her up from daycare--every one of which was positive. She is super excited to grow up. I keep asking her to stop growing and stay my baby girl for forever. She's told me flat out that's not going to happen. "I, too, have to grow up and have a family of my own".
For the past two years that I've been taking her to Gina's house, she waits at the back of the car until the school bus passes by our house. The bus driver caught on early that she would be standing out there waiting to wave so proudly at him. And each time he waves right back at her. Once in the car, she'd tell me that one day she'll be going to school and riding the bus like a big girl. Now, I have to admit, the first time she said this I teared up. After that, I was glad to hear that she was anxious to go to school. She has always been attentive and inquistive...question after question and listening to every response John and I gave her. I'm amazed every day by her ability to remember something that we taught her or said some days, weeks or even months before. I hope that little brain retains everything she is taught and reads in school. I don't want her to lose this thirst for knowledge. I WILL to continue to challenge her and teach her everything I can. Even if it's irrelevant at the time or something silly.
John chuckled at me this evening while we were making dinner. I had pulled out the 1/4 measuring cup. I counted the amount of times I filled the cup outloud and explained to her that filling it three times equals 3/4 cup. Does she need to know this right now? Can she apply it?... not immediately, but sooner than I probably realize. These kids are learning math and how to read in kindergarten. I remember learning to color in the lines and glue gold spray-patined, raw elbow macaroni on paper plates at her age. I'm a strong believer in early education. Teach them all you can. Children are quite remarkable and their brains are like sponges. I'm so glad that Allison is incredibly receptive to learning and modifying her language when she speaks incorrectly.
Allison is very sweet and is always concerned about others. Just ask anyone who knows her...they'll attest to this. For example, if Alli had 3 pieces of candy in her hand and there were 4 of her family members in the room--she would not only offer what she had to everyone there, but if everyone accepted she would give all 3 pieces away. That says a lot about a child. I couldn't ask for a sweeter sensitive girl. To hear the words, "I love you, mommy. You're so beautiful and you'll be my best friend forever" at least once each day just makes my heart melt. Some people have to ask themselves, "is my child happy?" I can say without a doubt, that mine are! I am confident that I'm raising my children to be the very best they can give thanks for everything we have been blessed with, to give to those who are less fortunate and to make good choices everyday.
I dread the day I have to start hearing the stories of her feelings getting hurt for who knows why. She will have to learn just like I did at a young age, that not everyone speaks kind words and something a child does or says may hurt her heart. So far things are good--just a few mean kids at school! I can thank Gina for teaching Allison to just walk away. More about Gina at a later date.
For the past two years that I've been taking her to Gina's house, she waits at the back of the car until the school bus passes by our house. The bus driver caught on early that she would be standing out there waiting to wave so proudly at him. And each time he waves right back at her. Once in the car, she'd tell me that one day she'll be going to school and riding the bus like a big girl. Now, I have to admit, the first time she said this I teared up. After that, I was glad to hear that she was anxious to go to school. She has always been attentive and inquistive...question after question and listening to every response John and I gave her. I'm amazed every day by her ability to remember something that we taught her or said some days, weeks or even months before. I hope that little brain retains everything she is taught and reads in school. I don't want her to lose this thirst for knowledge. I WILL to continue to challenge her and teach her everything I can. Even if it's irrelevant at the time or something silly.
John chuckled at me this evening while we were making dinner. I had pulled out the 1/4 measuring cup. I counted the amount of times I filled the cup outloud and explained to her that filling it three times equals 3/4 cup. Does she need to know this right now? Can she apply it?... not immediately, but sooner than I probably realize. These kids are learning math and how to read in kindergarten. I remember learning to color in the lines and glue gold spray-patined, raw elbow macaroni on paper plates at her age. I'm a strong believer in early education. Teach them all you can. Children are quite remarkable and their brains are like sponges. I'm so glad that Allison is incredibly receptive to learning and modifying her language when she speaks incorrectly.
Allison is very sweet and is always concerned about others. Just ask anyone who knows her...they'll attest to this. For example, if Alli had 3 pieces of candy in her hand and there were 4 of her family members in the room--she would not only offer what she had to everyone there, but if everyone accepted she would give all 3 pieces away. That says a lot about a child. I couldn't ask for a sweeter sensitive girl. To hear the words, "I love you, mommy. You're so beautiful and you'll be my best friend forever" at least once each day just makes my heart melt. Some people have to ask themselves, "is my child happy?" I can say without a doubt, that mine are! I am confident that I'm raising my children to be the very best they can give thanks for everything we have been blessed with, to give to those who are less fortunate and to make good choices everyday.
I dread the day I have to start hearing the stories of her feelings getting hurt for who knows why. She will have to learn just like I did at a young age, that not everyone speaks kind words and something a child does or says may hurt her heart. So far things are good--just a few mean kids at school! I can thank Gina for teaching Allison to just walk away. More about Gina at a later date.
And this to shall pass...right?
My poor baby. I feel so bad for him. This teething stuff is something totally new to me. Yeah right you say, but I'm serious. I swear we looked in Allison's mouth one day and she had 25 teeth! Now, I'm honestly not sure which teeth are coming in, but it/they must be a big one. Ryan tries to eat anything and everything on the floor...his sissy's Crocs, the cell phone charger cord, the legs of the kitchen chairs, baby blankets, the laundry basket and yes, even the rubber kitchen floor mat (yuck!). He's drooling buckets & at times crying crocodile tears because of the pain. On a positive note, I'm so happy that we're in the middle of these teething days, I'm hopeful it will soon be behind us. THANK GOODNESS for Motrin and Tylenol. If I didn't have it, I'm pretty sure you would find me curled up in the fetal position sucking my thumb!
Our Little Man
Ryan will be 9 months on Tuesday! He's super active...we're going to be in trouble once he's walking, which I'm afraid isn't too far in the near future. He's already taking one or two steps here and there, plus standing for long periods of time without holding onto anything. It's still amazing to me the things they figure out how to do all by themselves or learn to do by watching someone else do.
- 30" and 18.2 lbs.
- He's VERY active (did I say that already?)
- He drinks out of a sippy cup and is eating some finger foods. He actually prefers bland food
- He typically sleeps about 10-11 hours at night before his first feeding around 5am (John's movement usually startles him), then goes back down until I'm ready to get him up for daycare
- He's such a happy baby and laughs hysterically at times
- He has 8 teeth and more on the way, which tend to bother him
- He loves his big sister more than ANYTHING in this world, which really warms my heart
Time flies and I'm so excited to see how much he changes in the next 3 months.
Sure having two littles ones can be tough at times (I'll be the first to admit that) but in all honesty, being a mother has come pretty easy and without too many horror stories to tell. Sure there's crying when one of them gets hurt or if they're hungry or overtired...but more often it's laughter and screaming from excitement and having fun. I can say without hesitation that I wouldn't trade this life for any amount of money.
Fire Dept Open House

Alli, Ryan & I joined John at the firehouse on a Sunday afternoon to promote Fire Prevention Week. They had various education materials, tours of the station/apparatus, a bounce house and a fire pole. It was a long day, but we always enjoy hanging around the station while daddy is working.
The Leaves Are Falling!

We interrupted Justin while he was raking to jump in and roll around in the leaves. Thanks Justin! These two are my life!
Shades of Autumn - Stades' Farm

Alli, Ryan & I had made our way out to Stades' Farm already once this year and since we had such a great time, we invited John to head out there with us. I'm so glad we did. The first time we went, I packed a picnic lunch so we stayed away from the homemade feed inside the barn. This time, we enjoyed italian beef, cheesy fries and homemade butter pecan ice cream. Allison loved the activities which included climbing the hay bale mountain with daddy, riding Frank the Combine, petting zoo, corn boxes, the pony rides, the bounce houses, barrel train and the hayride to and from their 30 acre pumpkin field. We couldn't believe we were there for almost 4 hours!
Feeding the Ducks at Shiloh Park

It was a beautiful fall day and we wanted to take advantage of it before the cold weather crept up on us. On a whim, we stopped at the store on the way and picked up a loaf of bread. Allison was surprised that the ducks would eat the bread right out of her hand. Ryan was laughing and smiling--he wanted to crawl over to them.
We had already picked out the pumpkins at Stades' Farm the week before and now it was time to carve them. Daddy cut open the top and Alli reluctantly stuck her hand inside. She laughed about it, however, I'm sure she was creeped out by the feel of the insides. John baked the seeds and we snacked on them for the next few days. This year's Halloween was something I had been looking forward to. Allison, now 4, could dress up as whatever she wanted to be, walk along side the road, run up to the houses and say "Trick or Treat", plus "Thank You" on her own. Ryan, still a baby, would be pushed around by me, a Nun. John and I decided at the last possible moment to order our costumes online. Anyone who knows me well, knows that I have perfected the art of procrastination! We chose the Nun and Priest costumes from the Clearance section. Perfect! The night started out around 4:30 and ended at Uncle Tom and Aunt Brenda's house around 6:30pm. Allison was already on a sugar high and Ryan had fallen asleep in my arms. The following night John and I went to the Christenson's Annual Halloween Party...what a blast! I can't wait for next year!
First Blog
After a few hours of cleaning, doing laundry and playing with the kids, I decided to take a small break and sit down at the computer. Allison was busy coloring me a beautiful picture & Ryan was chowing down a piece of zwieback in his highchair so I found a few minutes to log in and peruse the Internet. I did the usual...checked my e-mail, facebook and myspace pages. Nothing new...same 'ole stuff really besides a few recently posted pictures. Before I logged out, I clicked on a link from a friend’s facebook page that took me to It definitely caught my eye so I thought I'd check it out a little. I was surprised. What I found were pages and pages of amazing things my former high school classmates had to say about having a family...ranging from the amazing best days of their lives to the absolute nightmares. The days of not only handwriting something, but journals in general, are things of the past. I've never really been a creative writer, however, sometimes I have so much to say and just need to get it out somehow. Moments of frustration, joy, sadness, and thanks have all come out in different ways. I hope this can be a nice release of them all.
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