
Our Little Man

Ryan will be 9 months on Tuesday! He's super active...we're going to be in trouble once he's walking, which I'm afraid isn't too far in the near future. He's already taking one or two steps here and there, plus standing for long periods of time without holding onto anything. It's still amazing to me the things they figure out how to do all by themselves or learn to do by watching someone else do.
  • 30" and 18.2 lbs.
  • He's VERY active (did I say that already?)
  • He drinks out of a sippy cup and is eating some finger foods. He actually prefers bland food
  • He typically sleeps about 10-11 hours at night before his first feeding around 5am (John's movement usually startles him), then goes back down until I'm ready to get him up for daycare
  • He's such a happy baby and laughs hysterically at times
  • He has 8 teeth and more on the way, which tend to bother him
  • He loves his big sister more than ANYTHING in this world, which really warms my heart

Time flies and I'm so excited to see how much he changes in the next 3 months.

Sure having two littles ones can be tough at times (I'll be the first to admit that) but in all honesty, being a mother has come pretty easy and without too many horror stories to tell. Sure there's crying when one of them gets hurt or if they're hungry or overtired...but more often it's laughter and screaming from excitement and having fun. I can say without hesitation that I wouldn't trade this life for any amount of money.

1 comment:

Manda said...

oh my- HOLY COW!! 8 teeth!!!! poor Kord just got his first tooth=) I have been debating on the finger foods since he isn't crawling all the way yet. And he can sit up but still wobbles, but he sure can eat!!! Isn't it funny to think a few short months ago we were complaining they weren't out yet??=)