- He give the BEST smooches to my mommy only.
- No matter how large the challenge, he is determined to give it his all...like playing in the toddler's McD's toy area. Yes, he crawled up the ladder and came down the slide without my help.
- He has a knack for getting himself in a bind--day after day he tries to crawl his way through spaces less than half his size. While funny at times, not when there's blood or gigantic goose egg appears.
- He opts for the quicker way of getting to the couch without going around coffee table--like crawling through the bottom shelf. Only once has he succeeded, yet he continuously tries.
- While visiting daddy at the fire station, Ryan smacked his temple on the corner of the dining room table...tear of the skin and blood droplets, but no tears.
- One morning Allison was in the shower, I was doing my hair in the mirror and Ryan was...well let's just say not where I thought he was. He had crawled into the bathroom right past me, crawled up the side of the shower, threw open the curtain and in a matter of seconds did a somersault head first into the shower. All wet in his pj's making a "eh, eh" sound...a little kiss on the forehead, a gerber and dry clothes brought a big grin to his face.
He's such a sport--quick on his knees and can take a knock on the noggin without a fuss. Two things that come to mind, I think I see pee-wee tackle football player in our future and I'm beginning to wonder if he can feel pain.
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