...as loving your children too much? If you're a mother (or father), I'm sure you'll agree that it’s only natural to love your children in ways that are so unbelievably hard to explain. Sometimes I question if I should limit the amount of love I give them. I know overprotecting, overindulging, or overcontrolling your kids isn't healthy, but at what point (or do you at all) rescue your kids from situations that can teach them about accountability, responsibility, and the consequences of their decisions? Do you fight their battles for them or do you let them solve their own problems and deal with conflict by working through their own issues? I always try to encourage Allison to tackle challenges and gently push her to keep going when situations get tough, even if I know she may fail. I know that I need to teach her that even though life can be painful and seem unfair, she can find joy through God’s grace. Any 4-year old will try everything they can think of to get whatever it is they want at the time, but no matter how much she begs, whines, or how loud the tantrum—I know I must stand my ground. Reminding her that those desired items or places she wants to go are privilidges that must be earned, they’re not a God-given right. When that type of behavior is displayed, I know I must teach her that it’s okay to feel strong emotions, but she has a responsibility to express them in faithful ways. "I wanna Make Good Choices!!"
John and I were watching the commercial (I don't even recall what it was for now) where the young girl asks her dad if she can borrow the car... Well, the moment it was over, John and I looked directly at each other. I think we both knew what the other was thinking... how easy is it going to be to let our little girl drive away on her own or go on her first date? I was going through the pictures on my camera and stopped on a certain photo. I know time flies and they're only going to be this small for so long, but I couldn't believe what I was looking at--not my firstborn baby, infant or toddler...she's a little girl. One who is fully capable of giving and learning valuable emotional and spiritual lessons.
She's a mixture of sensitivity and bullheadedness. Can't tell you where that comes from! All I can say is, “God, I ask that you give me the wisdom to effectively balance my children's freedoms and restrictions during each stage of their childhood and be the best mommy I can possibly be.”
John and I were watching the commercial (I don't even recall what it was for now) where the young girl asks her dad if she can borrow the car... Well, the moment it was over, John and I looked directly at each other. I think we both knew what the other was thinking... how easy is it going to be to let our little girl drive away on her own or go on her first date? I was going through the pictures on my camera and stopped on a certain photo. I know time flies and they're only going to be this small for so long, but I couldn't believe what I was looking at--not my firstborn baby, infant or toddler...she's a little girl. One who is fully capable of giving and learning valuable emotional and spiritual lessons.
She's a mixture of sensitivity and bullheadedness. Can't tell you where that comes from! All I can say is, “God, I ask that you give me the wisdom to effectively balance my children's freedoms and restrictions during each stage of their childhood and be the best mommy I can possibly be.”
I love you, Punkin!
No great words of advice or wisdom on this topic...just COMPLETE understanding. I constantly struggle with how much is too much, especially when it comes to protecting them emotionally! I really don't think there is too much when it comes to protecting them physically at this age and I don't really care what anyone tries to convinces me otherwise. But it is so so hard to back away and let them suffer emotional hurts sometimes in order to let them learn. But I also know the amazing reward that it is to be able to see them surprise you and truimph when you don't expect it!!!!
I think that this post was very well said! I may not have a little girl, but for the most part feel the same way about my little boys!
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