
You're Gonna Miss This...

The tiny fingerprints that show up on almost every newly cleaned surface, the toys scattered about the house, the piles and piles of laundry to be tackled will disappear all too soon and I'll miss them profoundly.

1 comment:

Manda said...

I have had so many of these moments lately. Kids yelling- me yelling. Yesterday we were at walmart and I stayed in the car with the kids. Adam was TRYING to hurry-ya right! and the song came on- your gonna miss this- It totally brought me to tears as I listened to Kord crying and the boys fighting in the backseat, all this will soon be gone and I will miss all of it! I just wanted to grab each one of them and kiss them and hug them. Kord was the only one willing to do so=) Guess it's the small moments in life that really make it all worth it!=)